In between your Craniosacral Biodynamic sessions or at any time – why not try this quick and easy healing practice?  (The roots of this exercise for sure have their roots in meditation and Qi Gong).

Standing, allow yourself to just be still - feel your feet on the ground, feel into your inherent strength, what you stand for, the essence of YOU.  Unmoving, present, comfortable and secure in your body you make very few ‘mistakes’ in your life thanks in part to this mindful awareness exercise.  You may also find yourself connecting to your own spirituality whatever that may be.  As a result:

  • You listen more attentively to your innate wisdom and intuition.

  • You become less judging of others and more importantly less judgemental of yourself.

  • You rest secure in the present moment - letting go of the past, not worrying about the future.

  • You experience stillness and quiet joy.

  • No fight or flight.

  • Your adrenalin stops pumping – it is balanced.

  • All tension in the body drops away, just for this moment.

The next step is to allow yourself to hug a beautiful tree surrounding you – no doubt there is one not far away, even in a city environment.  With your awareness as explained above, stand close to this wonder of Nature.  Ask gently “may I step into your field of energy?” as a mark of respect and kindness.  See if you sense a response.  Place your arms around its trunk (the trunk of a tree represents its heart just like yours!), take some deep breaths and see what happens.  For me as my feet energetically sink into the ground I feel this peaceful One-ness.  If you pay attention you will feel Tree respond to your touch.  Maybe through its bark or your feet seeming to reach deep into the ground like the tree’s roots, you begin to feel its essence reaching out to you and you sense a connection like no other!  It is very healing. You will learn a lot from a few stolen moments and the gentle surprise in remembering who you are.


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