My journey into holistic health springs from my late teens when I took a keen interest in eating well and through the practice of yoga, meditation and daily adventures into Nature, I began to be aware of an intuition that the body really knows how to heal itself.  I was not to know then - learning many years later that the heart of Craniosacral Therapy is listening and being present for the omniscient Health in the body, including most importantly its innate capacity to heal – that this would confirm that deep knowing.

After many years of tri-cultural living and working experience in Switzerland, France and the USA plus raising two children, my growing conviction manifested in training as a licensed massage therapist.  After a 2-year training in many advanced techniques, anatomy, pathology and physiology I received my licence in 2001.  Throughout this period I continued further therapeutic studies and in 2004 had completed advanced training in Reflexology and became a Reiki Master in 2005.   

But my true passion for a person’s healing culminated in my four-year study to become a Craniosacral Therapist and in 2007 I received my certification.  I maintained a successful and thriving practice of massage and craniosacral therapy in Seattle USA for 9 years. 

Returning to the UK in 2009 after an absence of 35 years, I became a registered member of the Craniosacral Therapy Association in London.

My practice in Salisbury Wiltshire for 8 years centred entirely on Craniosacral Therapy (CST) as well as giving several talks on CST in the community. Though my original training in CST was bio-mechanical in nature, I have since trained and now practice Craniosacral Biodynamics which trusts the body to heal itself without using any external force.

As well as holding specialist insurance with Holistic Insurance, I am regularly in supervision to support my practice.    

I currently live in Ashburton Devon and am celebrating my new home practice from a beautiful garden retreat.  I love the unique, friendly community in Ashburton and its closeness to Dartmoor with its ancient natural history.

My practice is vitally supported by my personal interests in Nature, Zen Buddhism, Qi Gong, Shamanism, yoga and meditation, hiking, music, gardening and cooking!  My personal philosophy is that every single experience and encounter has led to the perfection of this moment.  It is therefore important to lean into it, be kind and see ourselves as whole.


  • Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST), graduate of the Natural Health Resources Centre, Seattle USA.

  • Registered Member of the Craniosacral Therapy Association (CSTA) of the United Kingdom.

  • Licensed Massage Practitioner, Brian Utting School of Massage, Seattle USA.

  • Reiki Master

Shamanism:  I have spent the past four years in learning about Shamanism and I have participated in many workshops.   It is a “direct revelation” ancient practice thousands of years old supporting all of Nature including ourselves in health and wellbeing.  It has been a passion of mine for many years and it is my intention to offer this natural way of healing alongside my practice of craniosacral therapy as soon as possible.  Anyone interested in knowing more about how the invisible realms and elements including the land where we live always have our backs and naturally hold knowledge for our individual healing and wellbeing I would be happy to talk to you.  For details on shamanic courses I have attended, click here.

For purposes of maintaining and developing my skills I regularly participate in Continual Professional Development (CPD) courses in craniosacral therapy and related workshops.

List of CPD Training:

  • 23/03/13 - Shamanic Perspectives and Processes in Therapeutic Work, Parts 1 and 2, with Amanda Biggs.

  • 07/07/13 – Working with Babies, Children and their Parents, 5-day residential course with Sheila Kean.

  • 09/03/14 - Advanced Craniosacral Workshop for Babies with Richard Kramer.

  • 18/10/14 – Presence and Healing Trauma with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, 2-day workshop, Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust (CTET).

  • 16/09/15 – The Heart of Healing with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, 2-day workshop, Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust (CTET).

  • 21/01/16 – Grounding and Healing Tools for Craniosacral Therapists, with Maria Esposito, London.

  • 16/09/17 – Shadows and Strengths, with Liz Kalinowska and Dasha Hatton, London.

  • 06/10/17 - The Human Microbiome – Our Forgotten Organ, with Viola Sampson, Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust (CTET).

  • 22/04/18 - Fascial Unwinding, Part 1, with Thomas Atlee, College of Craniosacral Therapy (CCST), London.

  • 20/05/18 - Fascial Unwinding, Part 2, with Thomas Atlee, College of Craniosacral Therapy (CCST), London.

  • 30/06/18 - Gut Feeling: The Microbiome in Clinical Practice, with Viola Sampson, Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust (CTET).

  • 28/04/19 - The Breath of Life: Deepening into Biodynamics, 5-day residential course with Franklyn Sills and Cherionna Menzam-Sills, Karuna Institute, Devon.

  • 01/04/21 - The Embryo in Us – Exploring Human Prenatal Development, Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust (CTET), 4-day course, London.

  • January 2022 - The Neurobiology of Attachment, National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, USA.

  • 03/06/22 - The Biodynamics of Death and Dying, with Michael Kern, 3-day course, Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust, London.

"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet."
