What can I expect during a Craniosacral Biodynamic treatment?

Craniosacral Biodynamics owes its popularity to its light yet transformative quality of touch.  If you are considering receiving a treatment and wondered how it would feel, it is quite likely that you would experience a rare feeling of coming home inside your body!  Such is the power of listening and stillness that craniosacral therapy (CST) can create in the body.  As the practitioner listens to your body, your body begins to listen to itself and there is a subtle and yet such profound sense of knowing – a gentle reminder to your body of all its innate capacities.  The effect is very reassuring as if the body is taking a deep sigh of relief that it is being listened to for the first time.  As well as the vast healing potential of a Craniosacral Biodynamic treatment, it is my overall intention to provide a safe, supportive and healing environment. 

During the initial part of the session, you are encouraged to share any symptoms you may presently be experiencing, your health history, lifestyle and any other relevant information including what is working well in your life. The hands-on part of the treatment is given on a warm comfortable treatment table where you remain fully clothed.  The gentle touch of a biodynamic approach enables your body to relax and settle under all the sympathetic nervous system activation.   As practitioner and client rest in the deepening stillness, your body’s intelligence comes forth and issues begin to dissolve. Though this is the ideal outcome for any session, it may take several visits for the body to feel safe enough to trust its healing process.

Each session is unique and client-led in response to your needs.  I usually begin by making light contact with my hands at your feet.  Contact thereafter may be made at your sacrum or head and can be almost anywhere on the body - the focus is likely to be where you are experiencing discomfort but may also be on a related area which is the underlying cause.  I always check in with you throughout the session as to your comfort as it is important for your body to completely settle which is supportive of your healing.  The deep listening nature of Craniosacral Biodynamics helps your body to reveal its own ‘inherent treatment plan’ for the session, the presence and intelligence of which the practitioner always trusts.  It is a very humbling practice and depends on ‘getting myself out of the way’ as the body knows intuitively what needs to happen in order to heal itself.   

If you have experienced any past trauma – be it physical or emotional - shock or injury which was too much for the body/mind to handle at the time, the body is very intelligent and goes into a protective mode to centre these inertial forces.  The life energy or potency for healing is held at the centre of this inertia and it is not until the body feels safe and therefore settled that the trauma can begin to dissolve and heal.

You may be experiencing a lot of stress in your life right now.  When your body is healthy and you receive sufficient rest, and your life is balanced, your body’s natural resources are usually able to resolve stressful issues.  However, where there is unresolved trauma the body often becomes less resilient which can affect its normal responses to life, often unconsciously re-running the original pain or experience in an ongoing bid to resolve the pain but also to avoid its recurrence.  We may also find our lives have speeded up, staying task-oriented so as not to not to feel the love or appreciation we didn’t receive; we might feel angry, fearful, ashamed or exhausted from all the years of protecting ourselves.   In all these cases symptoms can arise spontaneously and this can be very frightening but revisited, held and supported in present time in a gentle, safe healing environment, the potential for healing is profound.       

During a CST treatment you may notice some pulsations in your body, take some deep-sighing breaths or experience an emotional release.  These natural reactions are very common.   As a result of your treatment you will most likely feel nurtured, profoundly relaxed, total wellbeing and truly listened to as your essential nature is finally able to shine through!  In your own timeline, you may begin to appreciate your innate beauty, acknowledge your strength and courage, rekindle your intuition, rediscover your passion and creativity and remember the wisdom of your heart, body and mind – a deeper experience of what it is to be human, more of who you truly are!  

"What you seek is seeking you."
