What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a unique, profoundly healing and listening therapy exceptionally suited to 21st century stress and dis-ease.  Its gentle approach makes it suitable for everyone - from babies to the elderly. As a preventive medicine therapy it provides an important resource and sanctuary for the body to just be still helping you to rebalance and reconnect to your self-healing capacity.  Because of its wholistic approach CST is naturally experienced as profound relaxation for your body, heart and mind.

Health is a subtle and exquisite balance of your body, mind and spirit.  When you feel healthy and energetic and your sleep is providing you with much-needed resources, chances are the stresses and traumas in your life are easily integrated and transformed.  You feel vital and life is good.  When you don’t feel so well life can seem like an uphill struggle, you don’t bounce back from stress as you normally would, your sleep suffers, you may be easily overwhelmed, less able to cope, less resilient.  In time the body’s health and sense of wellbeing suffers with its self-healing capacities and immunity seriously compromised.

CST is one of the powerful ways to address this imbalance as it works with the innate intelligence of the body to heal itself and return the body not only to its full potential but also to the possibility to engage fully in what life has to offer!

Craniosacral Therapy was developed well over 100 years ago in the osteopathic tradition of medicine.  Its founder William Sutherland, an American osteopath, discovered that in Health the cells and tissues of our bodies continually express movement.  Scientific studies show that all cells express rhythmic movements; this ever-present phenomenon is a continual inherent expression of life from the moment we are conceived till we take our last breath.  Dr Sutherland named this movement Primary Respiration.

Practitioners of Craniosacral Therapy are trained to sense Primary Respiration and its biodynamic potency which organizes and drives this motion.  Any restrictions in this motion are usually an indication of some congestion or inertia to this natural flow.  We might experience this as feeling overwhelmed or compromised health in some way.  It is the intelligence of the potency in Primary Respiration which centres the inertia (with always health at its core) whilst simultaneously protecting the rest of the body until such time as it has sufficient resources to resolve an issue.  It is the skill of the CS therapist to be able to sense both the Health and any places of inertia and bring them into a potent balance.  Resolution, powerful healing and one’s life force rekindled can be the result.   

Scope of Practice

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is suitable for everyone and all ages and for whom health issues are or have been a challenge, who suffer from any of the conditions below or who need extra support alongside conventional medicine. Though sometimes the dis-ease in our bodies or the symptoms we experience have multi-faceted causes and it's not always clear why we don't feel our normal self. In this instance, CST can be very helpful. And sometimes clients just come to feel good!

I have a special interest in working with young people - 9-18 years old. For additional information and benefits of CST, please click here.

Craniosacral Biodynamics can help with:

  • Fatigue, anxiety, stress and depression.

  • Emotional and physical trauma.

  • Insomnia.

  • Headaches, migraines, low-back pain, neck pain (usually caused by bad posture) and whiplash.

  • IBS, sciatica, sinusitis, tinnitus.

  • TMJ dysfunction.

  • Hormonal imbalances.

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

  • Birth trauma and pregnancy issues.

  • Self-development of young people and ADHD.

  • Post-operative rehabilitation. 

  • Any symptoms of not feeling your normal self. 

"Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and stars mirrored in your own being."
