In today’s fast-changing world young people face many challenges – finding their place in an ever-competitive social environment and what future they might inherit is just the tip of the iceberg of pressures they face every day.  This particularly affects 9 – 18 year olds.  Added to this is the current pandemic which is affecting every aspect of their lives, possible isolation from friends and whilst conducting their online studies.

We all want the best for our children, to help and guide them to blossom into their unique selves and also to have harmonious communication with them.  Today many parents are busy with their professional lives and then coupled with the busyness of students’ extra-curricular activities (and sometimes unhealthy family dynamics) can potentially create additional problems.  In some schools an extreme manifestation of problems young people experience has resulted in self-harming including eating disorders affecting both girls and boys.  So there is reason for serious concern.  Some of the issues children regularly experience are:

Peer pressure (competitiveness, being ignored, drug usage, judgements, isolation), a confusing time (identity crisis, anger, depression), ADHD, teenage fatigue, body tension aches and pains (headaches, hormonal changes or from various sports’ activities), online bullying, homework/deadlines, exams/revising, overload of mind and body, communication problems with parents and anxiety (family problems, fear, state of the world, what kind of future they might have).

I have found that during my work with young people, Craniosacral Biodynamic sessions are an amazing well-being therapy to help support them to find their balance – both physically and emotionally.  A typical session (lasting 45 minutes to an hour) includes taking a brief health history, noting any concerns and challenges (completely confidential) and then the student lays fully clothed on a treatment table.  I make light contact with my hands, listening for what his or her body intelligently wants to express.  Whilst on the treatment table I sometimes encourage the student to share what is troubling them but very often the session is conducted through non-verbal interaction with their body. The potential benefits of a CST treatment are: 

Enhanced vitality, clarity of mind, creativity, more focussed concentration, support for the innate wisdom of the body to balance, restore and heal itself, boosting the immune system, mental and emotional support and providing a BEING vs DOING experience; the invitation to just BE removes a lot of pressure from the student.  Treatment also helps to establish a healthy relationship with the self and creates healthy patterns for his or her  whole life.

"Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth."
