Coming home to yourself…

With 17 years' international work experience, I am happy to announce the opening of my new practice in my home clinic/garden sanctuary here in Ashburton. To celebrate I am offering 40% off your first Craniosacral Biodynamic session - £25 instead of £40.

Craniosacral therapy (CST) reconnects the body to its natural capacity for self-healing. It provides profound relaxation and can be helpful for symptoms of stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, trauma (physical and emotional) as well as relief for many other conditions. CST is safe and beneficial for everyone! Like the image of the sun which is always there behind the clouds, CST helps to uncover the ever-present Health in the body and return it to its original healthy potential.

Hope to see you soon!


Juggling kids’ schedules, school runs and the age-old work-life balance???